Lansdowne Public School (OSNP Lambton)
I have been volunteering for the last 14 years with the student nutrition program at Lansdowne. I realized a need for a nutrition program at the school when the school made the move to a balanced day schedule over 14 years ago.
I have always been actively involved within my children’s education and school. I have seen first hand the struggles that some students are faced with. With my involvement with the student nutrition program, I am able to see first hand the impact of healthy, nutritious snacks can make. Sometimes, a hungry child’s poor behaviour can be turned around if they are able to access food that is available to them and it also had the ability to teach the students about healthy, nutritious eating.
I volunteer because I know that my volunteering makes an impact on the lives of the students while they are at school. My small contribution of time makes the snack program run smoothly and it is a programme that is very much appreciated, both by students and staff. The snack programme educates the students about healthy, nutritious snacks and possibly exposes them to food that they would not have had an opportunity to try before.