About OSNP Programs

Ensure a veg/fruit is offered with every snack or meal.

Always refer to the MCCSS nutrition guidelines when purchasing food items for your program. Look for foods that are:

  • Minimally processed
  • A good source of nutrients such as fiber, calcium, and iron
  • Low in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat

Each monthly report must be submitted by the 15th day of the following month.

You are required to report on:

  • The number of days the program operates
  • The number of snack/meals prepared that month (#students per day x #days)
  • The number of volunteers supporting your program (including staff members) and the total number of volunteer hours
  • Donated items and/or donated/fundraised/granted funds
  • Receipts of food purchased and served in your Student Nutrition Program (SNP)

Ensure at least one member of your team has completed the Food Handlers Certification

  • Ensure Food Handlers Certification practices are followed when serving food in your SNP
  • Keep track of the year the Certification was completed, as renewal is required every 5 years

OSNP operates on a cost shared model.

SNPs utilize two categories of funding, The OSNP Grant and School Generated Funds

  • The OSNP Grant: SNPs in Ontario operate as a cost shared model. The OSNP Grant is startup funding for your student nutrition programs. The OSNP Grant is inclusive of all OSNP flowed funding including provincial, regionally, and locally raised.
  • School Generated Funds: Schools are required to fundraise to ensure their program has the appropriate amount of funding, food, and resources.

Two food groups: 1 vegetable or fruit + 1 other food group (whole grain or protein)

3 food groups: 1 vegetable or fruit + 1 whole grain + 1 protein

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