Community Development Coordinators:
Robin Tetreault
(226) 759-3714
[email protected]
Michele Legere
(519) 318-5449
[email protected]
2024.25 Stats



Meals/Snacks Projected

To ensure your donation stays within our community, donations to OSNP Windsor-Essex can be made through our lead agency, VON. Make cheques payable to “VON Ontario” (specify OSNP Windsor-Essex on the memo line)
Mailing Address :
VON Middlesex-Elgin
Attn: Cathy Talbot
1151 Florence St, #100, London, ON N5W2M7
Special Project Highlights
Student Engagement
OSNP Programs run in collaboration of OSNP Community Development Coordinators and School Staff. Because of this, students have not had as much opportunity to shape the programs that are aimed at them. We want to hear from our youth to ensure that they are well nourished, feel safe and included, and see themselves and their culture represented in school food programs.
OSNP has created an Introduction Package and Toolkit, aimed at secondary students, to increase involvement in student nutrition programs. In the 2023.24 school year, we are piloting this kit in a Windsor High school, as well as providing direction to our school coordinators on how to implement this toolkit. Check out the attached information!
Breakfast Bags (2021.22)
A portion of schools in Windsor-Essex offed a hot breakfast in addition to their OSNP snack programs prior to COVID-19. This became impossible once regulations were put in place, therefore, programming had to pivot.
In the 2021.22 school year, 3 food group breakfast bags were delivered to a total of 20 schools for 10 weeks each. Breakfast bags were filled with pre-packed and pre-portioned items to safely be served to students.
Examples: Cereal, milk, & a banana; or Granola bar, cheese string, & an apple
Thank You to Our Local Donors & Partners!

VON Community Corporation

WindsorEssex Community Foundation, Inspiration 100TM

Kirk Dame Memorial Golf Tournament