12 WEEKS: OSNP-SW will centrally purchase and deliver all the VEGETABLES AND FRUIT for participating programs. Delivery will occur once a week for twelve weeks.
46,000+ STUDENTS: This program will serve over 46,000 students each and every week!
150+ SCHOOLS: OSNP-SW will be delivering vegetable and fruit to over 150 schools and program across Southwestern Ontario!
OVER 1.5 MILLION SERVINGS OF PRODUCE: Students participating in this program will be taking a bite of over 1.5 million servings of fresh fruit and vegetables!
20%+ LOCAL FOOD: OSNP-SW strives to feature local fruit and vegetable produces. That’s why we partnered with Foodland Ontario to ensure that at least once a week, 1 menu item will be coming from a local Ontario farm! This initiative is called Tasty Ontario Tuesday!
COMMUNITY DONORS: Dozens of Community donors have stepped up to Adopt Programs to make this happen. We’ve reached out to community members across the region to help support schools by adopting a school’s Vegetable and Fruit Delivery Program. An easy donation of $1000 helps ensure that a school can participate in this program. If you are interested in learning more or becoming a community donor, please visit our Adopt a Program page.
Here’s what schools can expect to receive. Our pre-set menus reflect both locally-sourced, seasonal produce and non-local produce. These menus were available in advance of the program to allow schools to choose which vegetables and fruits they would like to serve to their students. Schools will be serving anywhere from 3-5 items a week! All schools participating in this program will automatically receive our Tasty Ontario Tuesday item each week!
SAMPLE PRE-SET MENU (rotating 4 weeks)
Week 1:
- Applesauce
- Celery
- Pears
- Clementine
- Honeydew Melon
- Tasty Ontario Tuesday: Apples
Week 2:
- Cauliflower
- Kiwi
- Applesauce
- Bananas
- Tasty Ontario Tuesday: Cherry Tomatoes
Week 3:
- Red Grapes
- Melon
- Mini Cucumbers
- Broccoli
- Tasty Ontario Tuesday: Carrots
Week 4:
- Bananas
- Pineapple
- Celery
- Grape Tomatoes
- Tasty Ontario Tuesday: Bell Peppers
Helpful links for Vegetable and Fruit Delivery Program participants
V & F Delivery Program – Frequently Asked Questions
V & F Delivery Program – Food Safety Overview
Portion Size Guide: English | French
Benefits of Direct Delivery Programs: Eng | Fre
GRADE 5 Lesson Plans
In partnership with the University of Windsor’s teachers college, OSNP has developed Grade 5 lesson plans that link the vegetables and fruits delivered in the 8-week Vegetable and Fruit Delivery Program to Ontario curriculum.
For any further questions, please contact the Ontario Student Nutrition Program by emailing [email protected].