Student Nutrition Ontario


Student Nutrition Ontario (SNO), formerly the Ontario Student Nutrition Program Network (OSNPN), is comprised of representatives from the 14 Lead Agencies who administer provincial grant funds to support the development and implementation of healthy breakfasts, snack and at times, lunch programs across the province. These 14 Lead Agencies in turn, work with over 54 Community Partnerships across the province that bring together representatives from school boards, public health units, communities and parents to provide a network of support to school programs at the local level.

Student Nutrition Ontario is committed to building the capacity of regional lead agencies to support meal and snack programs servicing children and youth across the Province of Ontario. Our goal is to work strategically at a provincial level to build awareness and support so that students across Ontario can experience the positive social, academic and health outcomes that are often associated with increasing access to healthy foods in schools. It takes strong local and provincial partners, all working together, to make sure that children in our varied communities enjoy healthy food every day in the 4,450+ student nutrition programs in Ontario.

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